How to deal with Office Setbacks?

setbacks 1Last night I was watching 3 Idiots for the first time and a line from the Bollywood movie got my attention. One character said, “Life is a race. If you don’t run fast, you’ll get trampled”. That line hit a nerve on me since at work we all feel like we are in a race. Most of us feel exhausted that sets us back to where our career should be. We must think of our career like a marathon instead of a sprint. For us to get going, we need to follow our passion, push ourselves to improve, and to have a clear mindset to anticipate upcoming setbacks at work.

Sometimes setbacks or curveballs are there to test your capabilities and maximize your full potential as an individual. You can never control what’s going to happen but you can always control how you will react to it. It’s either you see it as a difficulty or an opportunity to improve. Jeff Keller author of Attitude is Everything jot down the ways on how to deal with your setbacks at work:

  • setbacks 2This too shall pass – Setbacks are hurricanes in our life that is not meant to stay. They are just passing by so you don’t need to fret. Think of it as chance to improve just like champions do.
  • Don’t give up – Do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals and be successful. Accomplish it in ethical and legal bounds. Start saying getting there instead of are we there yet.
  • Surround yourself with positive people – Positivity is contagious so try to weed out people that you think drains your positive energy. Get close with positive people and never hesitate to give positive credits when it’s due.
  • Rewire your timetable – Baby steps is essential in achieving your goals. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with facts and tasks. Try to prioritize the goals from short term to long term so that you won’t get disappointed.
  • Act Fast – Pursuing your goals is just like striding a horse; if you fell you need to get up quickly. Remember that time is ticking out to dwell on your setback rather than doing whatever is necessary to succeed.

Let me add a few things that you might also consider in handling setbacks:


  • Reflect – Take a minute or day to get a perspective on what happened at work. Did you address the issues at work effectively? Have you done enough to help your team? What did you learn at today’s work? This will help you redefine your goals or even solutions in dealing your setbacks.
  • S.O.S. – Put your pride out of the door and asks help from others if you think you can’t do it. You can ask your close friends or colleagues for their advice, support, and perspective about your situation or goals.

Success is not all prestige but its more about hardwork and getting humbled by your experiences. What matters is not the bumpy road you take but how you surpass it to get in wherever you are right now. Setbacks, humiliations, embarrassments, and unfair treatment are always there to remind us that we are a working progress nevertheless a diamond in a rough.


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